About Us

The Urja family's journey from a longstanding legacy in the pharmaceutical business to venturing into the realm of organic farming is a captivating narrative of transformation. The presence of a deep-rooted passion for farming underscores a profound shift in values and priorities, emphasizing a commitment to a more sustainable and holistic way of life.

Our journey is not just about a change in occupation; it's a story of rediscovery, passion, and a commitment to a more connected and sustainable way of living. We hope this decision of ours serves as an inspiration for others looking to pursue their passions and make a positive impact on the environment.

The joy found in nurturing crops and sharing them with friends and family reinforces the idea that farming goes beyond a business venture; it becomes a source of happiness and connection.

Tech Meets Harvest

At Urja Farm, we have always been very passionate for innovation and always contemplating how our expertise can be applied beyond the confines of pharmaceuticals.

With a strategic vision to integrate our technological expertise into agriculture, we have invested in precision agriculture, harnessing the power of sensors and data analytics to refine planting patterns, irrigation practices, and fertilization strategies. Urja Farm proudly stands as a pioneer in adopting smart irrigation systems that harness real-time weather data, ensuring judicious water usage.

Within our greenhouse experiments, we have undertaken the cultivation of a diverse array of crops. These experiments involve meticulous exploration of controlled environments designed to shield plants from the impact of extreme weather conditions. This commitment to innovative agricultural practices reflects our dedication to pushing the boundaries of conventional farming, fostering resilience and sustainability in our agricultural pursuits.